Deepen Your Connection Through Storytelling
A methodology of 10 stories specially for parents
In a big, busy world, it's easy to lose touch and lose your connection to people dear to your heart. It's especially painful if you lose your connection with your child. It doesn't matter if you live together and see each other regularly, or you see your child once every other week. It doesn't matter how old your child is – it's always important to be a part of your child's life and be a good teacher and friend, You need to be there when they're most vulnerable.

Life has ups and downs, and sometimes it may seem that you and your kid have parted ways. You try as hard as you can to remain in his or her life, but constant traveling, work and other things keep you apart. But come what may, it's never too late to revive the kid of deep connection with your child that you had or always wanted. We can help you with that.
The secret ingredient to a trusting friendly parent-child relationship is – wait for it! – storytelling. Just think about it: it's been around for thousands of years. People just rarely call it, well, by this quite fancy literary term. But the only thing you have to do is know how to tell a story that will teach your child something, make him or her think about certain things in life, and understand you as a person.

In pre-literate times, people passed on their wisdom and knowledge to younger generations. Later on, the best stories were written down to be re-told and read to children all around the world. Just think back to when you were a kid – your parents probably told you lots of stories and fairy tales, right?

As parents living in the digital era, we were looking for a solution that would combine ancient parenting traditions with modern technology. That's why we decided to take storytelling to an entirely new level. And we're happy to say that parents who have followed our storytelling methodology have achieved miraculous results!

Their kids share their problems and their biggest secrets with their parents.
After seeing their parents open up, kids became more open themselves.
Children became more susceptible to what parents are trying to teach them.
After hearing the parent's perspective, children become more understanding.
To help parents effectively deepen their relationship with their children, we developed a methodology of 10 stories specially for parents.

First of all, there are 8 general features of every good story. You can read about them in this article.

Also, sceptics who don't think writing can be more effective than talking can learn why it's sometimes easier to write about important things than saying them in person.
There are dozens of ways to go. You could write letters on paper, send emails or make notes on Evernote, but all these methods are too generic and, let's face it, too public. StoryTold, however, is as private as you can be with an online tool. It was created to maintain the secret bond between children and parents. On top of it, it helps parents find the right story topic and the right words to convey the values and emotions they want to share with their children. StoryTold not only makes it easier to write, but to write in a way that kids and teens understand and can relate to.

It's also important to think about what you write. Choose topics that are relatable for you child. We suggest the following:
1. School Friends
A story like this will tell your child that you used to be the same as your young one, a little, awkward kid, and that you totally understand what they're going through. It will show your kid that you're not only a parental figure, but also a real person. You've had a long life, and there's so much more about you than making breakfast and paying the bills.

This is a story to use after your kid has had a fight with a friend, or if he or she has trouble getting along with other children. Tell a story about your best friend and how you would get into trouble together, then help each other out. Use positive examples.

Focus on an experience you haven't shared with your family yet, or maybe something that's been a big secret all these years. Add photographs of you and your friends.

These questions will help you build your story:

  • How did you meet your friends?
  • What did you have in common?
  • What were your friends' nicknames, and why?
  • What did you do together to have fun?
  • What was the funniest or the most peculiar thing about your friends?
  • Did you fight with your friends?
  • How did your friends change over the years? What are they like as adults?
2. Simple Pleasures I Truly Enjoy
With this story, you have a chance to show your kids that one can truly enjoy the little things in life and don't shoot for unrealizable dreams or adhere to someone else's imposed values. It's always a good idea to live in the moment and enjoy life, family and friends.

A story like this shows a child that not only expensive fancy things can be cool. Don't go into detail when it comes to prices, though. Base your story on your personal ideas and beliefs. Don't include too many characters and retain only those that are relevant to the story: usually it's going to be you, and maybe your mother or father, or a friend. Focus on one event at a time.

Use these guiding questions to write your story:

● What makes you really happy, but doesn't cost much?
● When did you have to choose between two things, and you chose the one that was simpler and cheaper, and didn't regret your choice?
● When was the last time you had unforgettable impressions that you didn't have to pay for?
● What was one expensive item that caused you trouble?

3. A Failure in Life
An important message you have to convey to your child is that anyone, even a parent, can make mistakes. It's all about how you handle them. Usually, parents love to create this perfect image of themselves – "I'm a parent, I know better". Consequently, children are scared to share their failures with their parents because they think they will disappoint them or be punished. And it shouldn't be like this.

Be precise in your story. Be logical. Your child must understand what exactly happened, what caused it, what the consequences were, and how you dealt with your mistake. Only then will he or she be able to learn from your story.
When telling the story, think about the following:

● What was this big failure?
● What do you think led you to fail?
● What could have been done to prevent it?
● How did you fix this situation, if at all?
● What are your thoughts about it now?
● What did you learn from this failure?
● How did it help you to succeed later on?

4. Personal Level
Your story should contain names, places, and detailed facts instead of generic information. Your story should be one that no one else can tell. Uniqueness is what counts!

Don't write a story with nameless characters and mundane events – your child won't be able to relate to them or remember the story. Be specific and precise. We know that it might be difficult to remember every detail, but we're there to help you. Our algorithm, hints and questions will guide you down the winding road of writing and help you remember the small things. This way, your kids will feel that this particular story was written just for them.
5. Appropriate Illustration
6. A Gripping Story Structure
Literature scholars have been researching this subject for ages and have identified several models of how a story can be built. For example, if you want to tell about an adventure you and your friends had when you were kids, you can use the concept of the monomyth. What caused you to embark on this adventure? What happened to you? How did it change you after you returned?

No matter which way you go, your story has to follow a certain logic. Don't just name events and facts that are all over the place. If you do, your child won't be able to remember the story and understand its teaching moment.

By giving you hints about story structure, StoryTold will make sure you stay on point.
7. A Relevant Topic
In order for the child to understand and relate to your story, you should choose a topic that is not only relevant to you, but to your child. For example, think of what bothered you at your child's age. What useful advice did you get from your family at that time?

Avoid topics that are unfamiliar to a child. This can be for many reasons – modern kids have more luxury than your generation did at that same age, so your childhood memories may not always be relevant. A story related to your child's interests and problems will resonate better and remain in his or her memory a lot longer.

Don't be afraid of running out of stories. StoryTold has an endless stock of story prompts that will steer you in the right direction. Moreover, our machine will suggest topics according to the interests of your child, as stated in your profile.

8. No Morals and Teachings
Don't forget to put your heart and soul into whatever you're writing.
Your story should be teaching in itself, and not overfilled with eloquently stated teachings. The described event or adventure should be the teaching.

Don't spoon-feed your child with morals. Children are sensitive to things like that, and they will just ignore you. If you do your story right, they will learn from it without you overburdening them with your arguments.

We put together these recommendations to serve one goal: so your child can enjoy your story and learn from it. Just don't forget to put your heart and soul into whatever you're writing. If you let us help you write your story, we'll do our best to help your child hear exactly what you have to say.